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Gas & Steam Turbine Governor Control System

Gas & Steam Turbine Governor Control System

Turbines, depending on how they are powered, can be classified into two types of gas and steam… In a gas turbine, combustion of gas at high pressure and temperature generates the driving force to rotate the blades. In a steam turbine water vapor, superheated at high temperature and pressure, spins the blades. In both types of turbines, thermodynamic parameters such as pressure, temperature, velocity and fluid flow, might vary instantly or are subjected to rapid fluctuations in quantity, and if proper control strategies are not in place, equipment damage and even personnel injuries are inevitable. On the other hand, turbines are complex machines comprised of various components such as fuel system, oil system, cooling systems, control valves, etc. Neither of the above-mentioned systems has same level of sensitivity and response time. Therefore, turbine control strategies are divided into two separate categories. The first category relates to the normal control functions, used for turbine secondary equipment, and is typically performed in the plant’s DCS system. The second category, which is of greater importance and sensitivity, is responsible for controlling the internal parameters of the turbine such as speed, temperature, pressure and output power, and is represented in a separate control package called the governor system.  Obviously, the turbine governor system must respond fast enough, ensure added safety, and have a special design and construction standards.

MAPNA Electric and Control Engineering & Manufacturing Company (MECO) focuses on the design and construction of power plant’s control and electric systems and as per an agreement on transfer of knowhow in design and manufacturing with the German company Siemens, produces gas and steam turbines governor control system.


The control system used is Teleperm XP or TXP system and thereupon SPPAT2000 which is Siemens’ proprietary solution for power plants. In the governor and turbine protection sector, the SIMADYN / 95F system was first employed , and then with the Siemens’ technology update in this sector the turbine governor control system based on FM458 / S7 F System which is compatible with SIL3 safety level is designed and now manufactured  by MECO for power plant projects.

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