Welcome to MAPNAEC Co, (MECO)
MECO Company

& Solutions

Many of the customer industries are the products of MECO company, the products that are presented with Meko’s special technologies and the best solutions in the electrical engineering and control industry.

Products and Solutions
Energy SBU
  • Integrated Electric & Control systems for Thermal Power plant
  • WTG Integrated Electric Control system
  • Integrated Electric & Control systems for other industrial plants( CHP, Desalination, steam generation, DG power gen, water treatment, Steel, Cement, …)
  • Comprehensive control and electric systems for solar farms (Photovoltaic
  • Smart Grid management system
  • Drive Technology

Automation and Process control

MAPCS is an advanced DCS/FCS system manufactured by the Mapna Electric and Control, Engineering and Manufacturing (Meco) Company, which is completely designed and developed based on Fieldbus Technology Standards. This system is capable of controlling any industrial processes (e.g., powerplant, refinery, petrochemical, food industries, and chemical processes) with any complexity levels. MAPCS consists of two main parts: regulatory control platform and process control platform. The former refers to a set of tools for hardware communications, the survey, display, analysis, and optimization of data, while the latter is designed and developed based on the FOUNDATIONTM Fieldbus Technologies. This platform provides instruments to implement a powerful control system across field equipment levels.
Product’s Main Features: Because the powerful fieldbus technology is widely used in DCS/FCS systems and designing monitoring control systems, including monitoring software/highly effective SCADA/HMI, it is a modern automation and process control system, which is based on a powerful FOUNDATIONTM Fieldbus architecture and the NET programming language and provides a complete structure and an appropriate context to control industrial processes (e.g., refinery, petrochemical, chemical, food, etc. processes).

Power Electronic

- MAPNA Generator Excitation System(MAPEX)
- DFIG Convertor-MAPDC
- Battery Energy Storage System-BESS
- Generators Start up System(MAPLCI)
- Plant Clock coordinator System(MAPCLOCK)
- Photovoltaic Solar Inverter-250KW


- MAPNA MIND solution for data management, analysis, online condition monitoring of industrial fleet (power plant industries, manufacturing factories, transportation, health sector)
- MINDA's solution for smartening homes, administrative and commercial office environment
- MIND Board solution for fleet monitoring and management
- Archive Data Management System (ADMS)
- Operator Training Simulator for Combined Cycle Power Plants

Substation and Dispatching

- Control and Substation Automation System

Charging Infrastructure & Power Train for E-Car

- Fast DC Charger for E-Car Stationary and wall mount
- AC Charger for E-Car Stationary and wall mount
- Charging stations monitoring and management systems
- Charging station application software
- E-BUS ultra-fast chargers (Pantograph)
- E-Car Power train system
- E-Bus & E-Mini BUS Power train system
- Vehicle Control Unit (VCU)
- EV Motor Drive
- On Board Charger (OBC)
- V2L and V2G Chargers
- DC-DC Convertor
- Monitoring Software
- E-Car Battery Packing

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Trust, Confidence, Satisfaction

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It is possible to visit MECO Company with the coordination of the public relations unit, contact us to arrange the visit.

It is possible to visit MECO Company with the coordination of the public relations unit, contact us to arrange the visit.

It is possible to visit MECO Company with the coordination of the public relations unit, contact us to arrange the visit.

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Integrated wind turbine power and control systems

Comprehensive systems of electricity, control and protection of solar farms (photovoltaics)

Plant distributed control system

Generator and transformer protection system

Generator excitation system (dynamic and static)

Boiler control system

Boiler control and protection system

Liquid fuel control system

Equipment (WTP) and systems (CPP) in power plants and refinery and petrochemical plants


Load and energy consumption management system for PMS/PDCS island mode power plants

Mapna energy storage system | Industrial BESS

Types of converters

Battery charger and inverter

Industrial drives of electric machines

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