ورودی و خروجی های آنالوگ MRT

ورودی و خروجی های آنالوگMRT

AI 622

This module reads 8 current analog signals. The inputs are isolated from the backplane bus. LED and optical isolation barrier.

AI 621

This module read 8 Thermocouple / 8 2wire RTD / 8 3wire RTD / 8 4wire RTD. Inputs are isolated from the backplane bus.

Thermocouple Types: B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T

RTD Types: PT100, PT500, PT1000

Cold Junction: for Thermocouple input sensors cold junction compensation could be done with one of these items, which is set as one of the module settings. (Ambient Type):

  • Internal module temperature sensor
  • External sensor on CH 1
  • Fixed 25 deg. Centigrade
  • Fixed 0 deg. Centigrade

Ao 672

This module provides 8 loop power current outputs. Each output can be individually configured on range 4-20mA. Every input channel consists of current limiting components, EMC protection components, input state indication LED and optical isolation barrier.

AI 627

AI627 is 3 phase power metering module for measuring electrical parameters such as Voltage, Current, Power Factor, Active/Reactive/Apparent Power and Frequency of electrical lines. Device communicates with MRT RTUs such as RTU451/450B via backplane bus and multiple devices are supported via single RTU.


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