سخت افزار mrt

سخت افزار mrt


The RTU450B is the main intelligent Remote Terminal Unit (iRTU)/Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) in MRT system. It communicates with a maximum of 31 I/O modules via backplane and supports three front panel communication interfaces including one 10/100 LAN, one RS232 and one RS485. The RTU450B is formed based on a powerful 1.2GHz Quad Core ARM processor.


The RTU451 is similar to RTU450B except It has some extra features such as two LAN ports and Full redundancy is supported to operate as active or backup state. If one RTU451 fails, the other one can take over and restore data that first RTU451 had been previously working with. It communicates with a maximum of 31 I/O modules via backplane and supports four front panel communication interfaces including two 10/100 LAN, one RS232 and one RS485. The RTU451 is formed based on a powerful 1.2GHz Quad Core ARM processor.


The RTU454 is standalone version of RTU451. It is supplied with 24VDC from front panel and communicates with a maximum number of 31 I/O modules via front CANbus connection. RTU454 also supports four more front panel communication interfaces including two 10/100 LAN, one RS232 and one RS485. The RTU454 is formed based on a powerful 1.2GHz Quad Core ARM processor.

MPC453 is exactly similar to RTU454 except it does not support IO cards and its front CAN-BUS is for communication protocols such as CANOpen. MPC stands for MRT Protocol Convertor and this is the sole applications of this standalone card.

 ۱۰/۱۰۰ LAN, one RS232 and one RS485. The RTU451 is formed based on a powerful 1.2GHz Quad Core ARM processor.



The CC401 is a communication module which only works with a RTU (RTU450B or RTU451) and should only be placed in the next slide of RTU. It provides 1x LAN and 4x Serial ports for the companion RTU.

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